Why “It’s A Wonderful Life” Is an American Classic

It’s a Wonderful Life is a classic that still has a grip on audiences 75 years after its release. Set in the small town of Bedford Falls, the film follows George Baily working his way through life’s ups and downs. Based on a short story, the film’s incredible performance by James Stewart and beautiful directing by Frank Capra created a truly moving experiencefor audiences.

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What is ‘It’s a Wonderful Life’ About?

While it is considered one of the all-tie great holiday movies, It’s a Wonderful Life is not really a Christmas movie. The holiday itsself is truly just a background to a story about life, love, and loss. George Bailey is a personification of the American experience and a character we can all identify with thanks to Stewart’s impeccable “Everyman” performance.

The story takes us through George Bailey’s life from a young boy to becoming a husband and father. We get to know his youthful optimism as he dreams of the future. We also see the optimism fade as harsh realities push those dreams further away. While there is an angel and what you could call a Christmas miracle, the story is centered on a very human experience.

The Significance of George Bailey

George Bailey is, above all, a good man. Ultimately, living a life putting others’ needs before his own makes him feel as though the world has gone on without him. He decides that, in fact, the world would be better without him. When Clarence the angel shows him the importance of his life, he realizes the true gift of his kindness. The movie further pushes the audience to reflect on this message.

This is the true beauty of It’s a Wonderful Life and why it remains an annual tradition every Christmas Eve. After everything that has happened over the last couple of years, this would be a great time for a nostalgic trip to Bedford Falls. If you have a moment this evening, We definitely recommend revisiting this holiday classic.

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